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  Exhibition Background


  The Citi-Guizhou Handcraft Development Project has received financial support from the Citi Foundation for the past five years. Since 2010, the program has implemented a number of activities to promote Guizhou minority culture and culture-based rural development initiatives. As the forerunner of cultural inheritance, economic development, and environmental protection public interest groups in Guizhou province, the program has received local and international recognition, and garnered support from city and provincial level publicity departments, Guizhou Publishing Group, Guizhou News Publishing Bureau, and the Guizhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Center.


  The Citi-Guizhou Handcraft Development Program utilizes public events, news and social media, and exhibitions as way of “crossing boundaries” between city and village. Offering urbanites the opportunity to learn about village-based ethnic minority groups helps foster cultural understanding and consumer interest, paving pathways for market-based approaches to cultural inheritance protection, economic development, and environmental protection. We believe that the promotion of village handcrafts in urban settings is a way of celebrating the historic and contemporary value of Guizhou minority handcrafts. These public events affirm the artisans’ cultural identity and validates their craftsmanship.


  Having identified public events as a key program strategy, The Citi-Guizhou Handcraft Development Project has already held four exhibitions in Guiyang, the provincial capital of Guizhou— Blue Flowers in Time: The Stories of 100 Miao Families Charity Sale (2010); Cross-Boundary I: Guizhou Public-Interest Art Salon (2012); Blue Flower Narrating Book Release and Exhibition (2013); and Cross-Boundary II: Folk Craft Exhibition (2014).

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作者: 小梅访谈 文章来源: 小梅访谈 点击数: 发布时间: 2015-10-09



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